5 thoughts on “What does the League of Legends have no brain FARM?”

  1. Everyone has a heart to make up a knife. Do not let go of a small soldier, actively make up the knife, bring the line to fight, and use the fastest time to make the most soldiers, get more gold coins, in exchange for better equipment, so as to win to win to win, so as to win to win, to win the winning The game, like a diligent farmer, do one thing repeatedly!
    The common words attached to welfare, which is also suitable for LOL, hard -working, brave, kind and friendly.

    id: Your game character name
    The landlord/homeowner/LZ: The person who creates the game room
    fb: 1 blood, also one of the charm of dota games, FB's full name Yes, it refers to the first hero to kill, not only the reward of killing the hero, but also the additional 100 yuan (killing hero itself 300)
    3: Flash, retreat
    b: flash people , Retreat
    : Machine card, network delay, server card
    LAG: Generally refers to network delay, of course, sometimes because of computer reasons, the overall meaning is similar to "card".
    Combo: Cooperate with 2 or more heroes, and the combo or combination techniques are played.
    aoe: Scope damage, range attack.
    gank: Wandering and killing, restricting the development of the other hero (generally referred to as the grabbing)
    KS: grabbing the head
    to the knife: When the other soldier is going to have no blood, cut him last, get money
    ult: Big move
    push: Promoting, offensive.
    farm: Make money by fighting
    afk: People are not in front of the computer, leave, hero hang on, etc.
    bd: stealing tower
    mia: The enemy disappears on the map, allowing teammates to be vigilant
    miss: Disappear, as above
    noob: Cainiao
    The neutral monsters on the map
    : Relying on the shadow of the field vision to kill the monsters. Generally, this kind of monster killing method is slower than the normal way of killing monsters, but the blood consumes less.
    : It is to control his soldiers near his tower to prevent him from being gank by the other party, which is also convenient for his own GANK to each other.
    The full -screen flow: It means that the coverage of skill release is very large. Of course, full -screen transmission should also be counted as full -screen flow
    Bits of eyes: buy eyes throughout the game. It is usually done by auxiliary heroes.
    pub: passers -by
    ban people: in specific mode (ranking) disable each other hero
    ap: magic damage
    ad: physical damage
    arm/armor: physical armor r r r r r r r r r r
    mr/magnet: Magic resistance
    buff: The gain magic effect on yourself or the heroine of the friend
    Debuff: The continuous negative magic effect on yourself or the friend of the friend
    Black shop: refers to the game platform Several people I met played together
    Clash fire: Concentrate the firepower to attack a person
    -first hand -control/first hand skills: directional control skills
    mi hand control: in the first round of skills or After the attack, perform the second round of skills control
    dps: Heroes who output damage
    tank: Meat Shield, tank, specifically used to protect their important heroes or absorb the opponent's damage.
    Benmma: Treatment
    Super God: Continuously killing the opponent of multiple heroes in a row
    Super ghosts: I have died many times
    blink: Flash skills
    stun: Skills with dizziness
    slow: Skills with a deceleration effect
    BRB: Right back
    Tun: Remote hero ordinary attack to attack the enemy unit time
    Group control: Refers to heroes with the first hand -control skills in the team battle
    Silence: Use the forbidden magic skills to the opponent's hero
    The continuous casting: need to stand in one place to sing until the magic release is completed.
    cd: cooling time
    God costumes: top -level beef B equipment
    red medicine: plus blood recovery drugs
    blue medicine: reply magic value medicine
    green medicine: increase violence: increase violence Fighting Attack Speed ​​Pharmaceutical
    Big blue medicine: Increase legal injuries and reduce CD drugs
    top: upper
    bot: Xia Road
    mid: Midway
    base: Base/Hom Hom Home
    CARE: Be careful
    oom: No magic
    solo: walk alone
    dd: direct damage skills. First click the skill, then point the target, you can see the effect. This is the benefits of DD. For example, the Q key of the dark son Annie, the fireball.
    feed: Given the head/experience book. Players who often die and fatten the enemy (the enemy gets a lot of money by killing him). It is not a kind of praise 0.0. Players who kill experience books will get a lot of killing.
    MS: Movement speed
    gl HF: good luck have fun = wish you good luck. This sentence is usually polite at the start of the game.
    gg: good game. Most of the time, when the game was over, the losing party was hit. Praise the other person's good performance, a manifestation of the defeat.

  2. There are some autistic guys in the LOL game. I don't like to participate in collective activities or go to team battles silently to brush gold coins only for personal development.

  3. FARM is a replenishment, the meaning of fighting for soldiers
    If brainlessness is a strength, even if it is a brainless brush soldier, metaphorical beating with the line

  4. It is brainless to make money, brush the soldiers and the other, generally refers to ADC or DPS regardless of teammates and the war situation silently stand -alone.

  5. In some real -time strategies, such as DOTA, LOL and other games, FARM still has the meaning of playing money, and if there is no brain Farm, it means that regardless of anything else. This behavior is generally called brush.
    But even if you use a very economical hero, you have to consider the situation. Properly participating in the war and guarding the tower. When the teammates are crushed by the opposite side, it is not a one to move back to the situation with their own power. Simple things.

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