wholesale college memorabilia jewelry How to trade the god beasts in Fantasy Westward Journey

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3 thoughts on “wholesale college memorabilia jewelry How to trade the god beasts in Fantasy Westward Journey”

  1. silver sterling jewelry wholesale Dreams directly traded the god beast was updated on October 1, 2008. The update content: Players who sell God Beasts can seal the beasts to other players. Players who sell god beasts must first enter the ID of the beast player. After entering, the beast is like designating to that player. Only that player can buy that god beast. Pay special attention: the beast is seal to the designated player and seal it in the gift box.的,买神兽的玩家交易了礼盒后请先不要打开礼盒,因为要先在超级神兽那里点击领取神兽才可以打开盒子,如果那个卖神兽的玩家用假的礼盒和买神兽的玩家交易的话,系统Will prompt: Those who cannot be traded. So the system has updated the method of trading the beast! awesome!

  2. wholesale sterling silver turtle jewelry See how you bought it. First of all, Tibetan Treasure Pavilion is a good trading platform. You can buy it directly by using Treasure Pavilion. Second, it is the transaction in the game. I thought NetEase was afraid of the player's beast to be deceived, so there was a process. The other party is required to provide more than 2000W dream coins in order to successfully trade the beast. Thank you ~ If I think my answer is helpful to you, please adopt the best answer.

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