4 thoughts on “Handmade lantern production method Kindergarten”

  1. Materials: paper cups, double -sided glue, scissors, wool.
    1. First of all, we cut off the raised circle on the paper cup with scissors.
    2, then cut the paper cup into long strips with uniform thickness.
    3, then we trim the top of the paper cup and cut out the small triangle.
    4. After the trim is trimmed, we buckle the paper cup back and flattened.
    5, then prepare a paper cup, cut off its bottom, and wrap a circle of double -sided glue.
    6, torn off the double -sided glue, stick it to the small triangle that was just cut, be sure to stick firmly.
    7, then cut a circle of paper cups from the paper cup at the bottom just now, and paste the double -sided glue inside.
    8. Tuck the paper cup cut off this circle to tear the double -sided adhesive outside the triangle, and it must also stick.
    9. After completing it, gently press the paper lanterns with your hands to make it form.
    10, it is best to poke a small hole at the bottom of the lantern with scissors.
    11, cut the wool into the same length, then knotted together, and the small hole in the just now is completed.

  2. Children hand -made lanterns. Parents can let them complete independently. They can also help their children, hand -made lanterns together to complete exquisite works. Handmade lanterns are not complicated. As long as we observe life with our heart, we can make a different lantern. Of course, parents can help their children hand -made lanterns according to their children's hands -on coordination ability. If their children have strong ability to do, they can make slightly more complicated lanterns.

    Tools/raw materials:

    paper cups
    double -sided glue

    1. First cut off the circle around the disposable cup with a knife

    2. Then divide the surrounding paper cup into strips and evenly divide it!

    3. The next step is to beautify the cup and make some sharp shapes.

    4. This is the general shape that is completed. The sharp corners above are beautiful!

    5. Then cut off the bottom of the prepared another disposable cup, as shown in the figure, and then paste the bottom part to the sharp corner direction of the above figure.

    6. Paste the method, as shown in the figure below:

    7. Then cut the surroundings of the cup that cut the bottom.

    8. The cutting circle of the one -time paper cup is used to stick to the lantern with double -sided glue.

    9. The handmade lanterns are roughly completed. There is a model, haha, how about this handmade lantern method is quite simple!

    10. The remaining a few steps left by handmade lanterns are quite simple, so let's not talk about it here, look at the picture!

  3. Pay content for time limit to check for freenI have seen your question. I am editing the answer, please wait a minute.nPrepare two paper cups, one pair of scissors, and some double -sided glue and transparent tape.nFirst pick up a paper cup, then cut the cup along the cup with scissors, then erected the cup, cut the cup into strips with scissors, as the main body of the lantern, but do not cut it to the bottom. The bottom of the cup needs to be kept. After cutting, take out another cup and cut the bottom of the cup with scissors.nThe opening of the cut lantern main body and the bottom of the cup that are just cut are sticking together with double -sided glue, and a lantern is generally done. Then use a stick or paper stick to make the handle of the lantern, and you can also dye the color you like, such as red, so that a lantern is completed.nMore 2nBleak

  4. The method of making lanterns in kindergarten self -made lanterns made red envelopes red envelopes

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