How can I send the birthday gift I bought for me? How can I send it to my circle of friends?

How can I send the birthday gift I bought for me? How can I send it to my circle of friends?

3 thoughts on “How can I send the birthday gift I bought for me? How can I send it to my circle of friends?”

  1. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer hello, you can not pay attention to the circle of friends after taking pictures; what you pay attention to is to cooperate with the angle of photos, adjust the filter, etc., and match the circle of friends with thanks to the circle of friends. Copywriting: 1. Thank you for your daughter for giving me a gift. In fact, you are the best gift from God! .2. Thank you for your surprise, thank you for meeting you, thank you for everything. 3. The mood and followers of the gift of the gift The sun is as bright as the sun. 4. The first time you received the gift is the most intimate gift! 5. No matter what the future, I want to thank you, thank you Always cherish memory. 6. Although I am a flower killer, I still like this Mother's Day gift. 7. The gift I received yesterday, the most warm heart, the most intimate gift ~ 8 from the girl sent by the girl, received the gift carefully prepared by the daughter, My heart is like marshmallow, sweet and soft. How to thank your daughter, in addition to sending a daughter's gift, you can arrange a trip or mother and daughter.

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