I bought a gold bracelet and listened to my relatives that there are many gold in the gold, which means golden bag and silver. I want to know where to go there for testing?

Afraid of buying fakes, where can I detect whether it is pure gold? How much is the golden shop test?

5 thoughts on “I bought a gold bracelet and listened to my relatives that there are many gold in the gold, which means golden bag and silver. I want to know where to go there for testing?”

  1. You can get it in the gold shop to identify it. Golden shops usually have to be identified in two paragraphs.
    If discrimination:
    1, whether gold has white highlights:
    Masted with materials to cut the gold bar or gold jewelry, and observe the cut surface with a magnifying glass. If it cannot be fused together, it means that the gold is mixed with crickets.
    2, measured the proportion:
    Prome the weight of a pure gold bars with a balance first, and then put the gold bar in a measuring cup and flood the gold bar. Then put the detected gold bars in a measuring cup, whether the scale of the water rises or decreases. As long as it changes, it means that the gold bar is not pure gold. But if it is gold jewelry, this method is not applicable because there is air in gold jewelry.
    Extension information
    Golds are relatively rare for the fraud cases of pure silver. Silver is also a veritable precious metal. Using silver to impersonate gold, it is a very "luxury" case in the counterfeiting phenomenon. With the recovery of gold prices in the past six months and the increase in social funds borrowing, the case of fake gold bars has been discovered many times.
    The lawyer Sun Fengfeng of the Guangdong Huayi Law Firm believes that the melting point of precious metals is very high, and the technical technique of gold wrapped in silver is extremely difficult and costs. Similar phenomena should not be a separate accidental fraud, but that the illegal institutions have vicious frauds that have organized, premeditated, and large -scale. They seriously violate multiple criminal laws and should be severely punished.
    Reference information Source: China News Network-Business partner mortgage gold bar is actually "golden bag and silver"

  2. If you detect the purity, you must go to the local quality supervision bureau, and the pawnshop can be used, but it is best to go to a regular appraisal agency, such as a local gold shop or the appraisal bank that has been opened for a long time. The charging standards in these places are not fixed. Generally, they will be required to see the gold that needs to be identified first, and then the price is determined. Generally, the price is around 50 to 200 yuan. If you think it is unbelievable, you can go to the local quality supervision In the bureau, the gold jewelry testing equipment there is relatively complete, and the relative charging may be higher. This needs to be understood. After all, it is impossible to use the instrument for free for you. Generally, you can go to the gold shop and appraisal bank. If you have to go to the old shop, this is certain

  3. There should be no such problem on the big brand?
    The pawnshop should be detected.
    But if you like it, you don't need to care about purity, and you have already bought it, is it meaningful for pure gold?

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