1 thought on “Kindergarten Excellent lesson plans”

  1. As a people teacher who teaches others for others, it is possible to use the lesson plans. With the help of the teaching plan, it can effectively improve his teaching ability. Come and refer to how to write the lesson plans! Here are 8 outstanding kindergartens I have carefully organized for your reference. I hope to help friends in need.
    Is Outstanding Teaching Plan 1 Activities:
    1. I am willing to share Christmas gifts with good friends in play, guessing, trying, and tell everyone about their discoveries and feelings.
    2. Feel the happy atmosphere of the New Year in the event.
    Cope preparations:
    In antenna baby headdress, gifts and boxes, Christmas costumes, tapes
    Activity process: 1. Watch the video, lead to gifts
    1. Here, here There are many antenna babies, what are the names?
    2. Watch the video of "Baby of the Floor"
    The antenna babies, let's play together. (Putting the video)
    The talk: Christmas is almost the waves, Lala, will they get their favorite gifts?
    The waves and Lala they all get their own gifts, babies of the antenna, do you want to get gifts?
    . Gifts of Santa Claus
    1. Gegoring with Santa Claus
    Santa Claus: Hello, baby, you!
    The child: Good Santa!
    Santa Claus: Christmas is coming, I will give you gifts,
    Santa Claus: Let everyone choose gifts freely
    2. Perceive gift boxes and gifts
    gifts are taken By the way, the antenna baby, see what your gift box is like?
    The good friend, how about your baby's baby grow?
    Who tells you what your box is?
    The babies of the antenna, come and listen to the sound in the box?
    guess what is in the box?
    In the box gently, where is the most convenient to find.
    What gifts do you get?
    What taste is you trying to taste your candy? (Remind the children to share with friends)
    . Dance with Santa Claus
    1. The music sounds, the New Year is coming, and we will dance with Santa Claus.
    2. Goodbye to Santa.
    Reflection adjustment:
    The content from the content of each link is to serve the target, and the goals have been achieved, but the second part is the focus of the event. It seems that there are too many content involved. one point.
    The detail of the teacher's details of the place where the gift box is opened, it is not practical. You should let the children do it by themselves. The teacher should "stand" to the back.
    The antenna baby's headgear does not play a good role in the latter part.
    Onchial lesson plan 2 Target:
    1. Experience the fun of playing skin ball with everyone
    . Preliminate to obey simple game rules.
    Pre -preparation: A child's hand, a small slide, a small slide, a carton
    . Chasing the leather ball
    On the plastic field, the teacher threw all the ball balls of the carton. After the children chased the ball, after chasing the ball, they ran back to the original place and put the ball into the carton. Teachers can continue to throw the balls recovered by children, and children repeatedly play games.
    If: Each child can only chase one ball each time and put the ball into the box.
    . Rolling the ball
    This children first rolled the ball on the small slide, controlled the ball into the carton, and the children scoring the goal can slide down the slide and get the ball to continue playing.
    : only the ball can be rolled on the slide, and the ball cannot be thrown.
    3. Find a friend
    The teacher and young children's hands to surround a circle and sit for a circle, read the nursery rhymes "Little Pills, find friends, find friends and come back." The teacher rolled the ball into the hands of a young child, and the young children rolled the ball back. The game is repeated. With the degree of proficiency in young children, the circle gradually becomes larger.
    : Children should try the ball, not throw or hug back.
    4. The piglets go home
    Thien pushing the "pig" with both hands to roll to the designated "home" on the ground. With the improvement of young children's proficiency, the plot of the game can continue to develop, helping the "pig" drilling through the "cave", walking through the "small bridge", and bypassing "danger" to return home.
    If: Toddlers roll the ball with both hands, not to play or run.
    5. Feeding small animals for dinner
    The animal avatars on the large carton. The child stands outside a certain distance and manages the ball into the carton to improve the accuracy of the child's target and exercise measuring force.
    If rules: Children must stand in the prescribed place, and they will not be able to grab one by one.
    6. Little passing player
    The children can stand in various ways and start passing from head. The passing game can more cultivate children's team spirit, and can also carry out legs, left and right, running and passing, and can promote children's ability to cooperate and collaborate with each other.
    The child should be stood well, and you must pass it in turn. You cannot pass offside. , Learn the word postman and phrases he is a postman.
    2. Learn to pronounce and significance.
    3. Let children interested in English learning.
    Cope preparation:
    1. The image, letter, and rabbit image.
    2. English tape.
    Activity process:
    . Greetings
    2. Warmral exercise: Cingbao
    3. Introduction: Children are very happy today, but there is a cute little friend it It's sad today. Come, let's see who is it?
    This teacher dressed as a small white rabbit, holding a letter in his hand, and said sadly, "My mother went to a business trip in the field, I miss her, I wrote a letter to my mother, but who can help help Let me send a letter? Woo ... "
    T: Don't cry. You see, there are so many children around you to help you find a way.
    C: Let the postman uncle give you a letter.
    T: Show the hanging chart, he is a postman. Please Follow Me: "Postman".
    C: Postman.
    t: a postman.
    C: a postman.
    t: he is a postman.
    C: he is a postman.
    t: Well, "Postman" what is mean?
    C: The postman.
    t: What do I say? (I am ...)
    C: I am a postman.
    t: OK, let ’s ask him" Who are you? "
    c: who are you?
    four, game.
    The children took turns sending letters and communicated in English.
    Or's excellent lesson plan 4. Activity goals
    1. Preliminary perception of the size of the two same types of objects.
    2. It can express the size of the object in simple language "big" and "small".
    3. Willing to participate in the game of "Gifts" and experience the happiness of being a little owner in the game.
    . The preparation of the event
    has different sizes of sweet cakes, cars, cake models, gifts and other items; big bear and bear pictures.
    . Guidance points
    1. Activity focus: initially perceive the size of the two same types of objects.
    2. Difficulties in activity: It can use simple language "big" and "small" to express the size of the object.
    3. Guidance points: By observation and comparison, guide children to distinguish the size of the two same types of objects.
    . Activity process
    1. The size of the two the same types of the same type of objects is initially perceived.
    (1) Situation description, causing interest.
    The teacher shows the pictures of the big bear and the bear, and guides the children to observe the relatively small and small
    Terer: Look at it, who is big and small?
    (2) Game activity: Divide sweet cakes.
    showing two sweet cakes in size to guide children to observe relatively small.
    The teacher: Take a look, what is the different sweet cake? How to divide the delicious sweet cakes?
    The guidance of children to eat big sweet cakes and small sweet cakes, and use the language of "big ... to big ... eat".
    Reflection: This activity mainly allows children to observe and understand the size. In the first session, I first show the toy bears I brought, so that children can say who they are. I ask the children to compare the toy bear and talk about what they are different. The size is different, and in a complete sentence, who is larger than who is, who is smaller than who. And playing games with your children also allows children to distinguish the size.
    2. Further observation and comparison, use simple language to express the size of the two same types of objects.
    (1) Exploration found: guide children to observe and compare the size of various gifts.
    Is to take a look at the children, compare it, and talk about it to guide the children to learn in the "big, small" language to express it.
    (2) Interactive game: Gift gifts. Ask children to choose gifts with their own music, asking for the big gifts to give Dad Xiong, the small gifts give it to Baby Xiong, and guide the children to use "big. Give it to big." And remind children to use polite words when giving gifts.
    Reflection: Then I asked questions again. Ask the children to take a look, compare it, and say that guiding children to learn in the "big, small" language to express it. The children were very excited.
    3. Evaluation summary to form a preliminary and small concept.
    (1) Teachers and students evaluate whether the gifts from everyone are suitable, and summarize: Dad Bear, eat big sweet cakes, big cakes and big cars; bear baby, small sweet cakes, small cakes and small cakes and small cakes and small cakes and small cakes Cars.
    (2) The teacher said in the tone of the father of Xiong and Baby Xiong: "Thank you for your gift. We are very happy that you are all the hospitable little masters."
    reflection: Finally, the children are very feeling that they feel very much. Interest, and can learn to say thank you for polite words.
    Orchical lesson plan 5 Activity goals:
    1. Bold use of imagination, understand the content of the story, and use language to express your own understanding of the picture in the book.
    2. How to make the danger into the wisdom of luck in perceived the story, knowing that when you encounter danger or difficulties in your life, you are not afraid, do not nervous, start your brain, and come up with countermeasures.
    Cope preparation:
    The book "My Lucky One Day", a few pictures
    Activity process:
    (1) Children read autonomous reading and preliminary understanding the content of the story.
    1. Teachers guide the cover of the children's observation books, introduce the title, and guess the content of the book.
    The division: "Let's read a book together today, the name of the book is" My Lucky One Day ". From the picture, you guess, who is the lucky day? Tell me the reason for your reason? ? "
    2. Children read themselves.
    3. Guide children to tell the general clues of the story through discussion.
    Division: "What story is drawn in the book?" "Which paragraph does you impress the most?" "Which picture can you use?"
    Line these pictures in order? "
    :" Let's read the book complete it together, please listen to the story in complete- "My Lucky Day". "
    (2) , Tell stories while telling stories.
    (3) By asking questions, guide children to look at the pictures and feel the wisdom of the danger of pigletization.
    1. Ask: "After the piglet met foxes, was he scared? How did he do it?"
    2. Question: "How many ways do you think of? Why did the fox listening to the pig's words? Later, what did the fox do for the piglet? "
    3. Ask:" When the fox cleaned the piglet, did you eat the pig? The pig came up with the second way. What did the fox do for him this time? "
    4. Ask:" When the piglet finished lunch, do the fox eat the piglet? It turns out that the piglet came up with the third way. What did the fox do this time? "
    5. Ask:" Finally, do the fox eat the piglet? Why the piglet said: 'This is my most lucky day'? "
    6. Question:" What kind of pig is this? "
    (4) Try to boldly want to help all kinds of help as a piglet. How to get away from danger.
    : "If you are this little pig, what will you do when you are caught by a fox?"
    (5) ending part.
    Division: "When the piglets were in danger, they were not panicked at all. They also came up with so many methods to tease foxes. It is really a brave and smart little pig! This tells us that we are in danger. We What should I do? "
    Is Outstanding Teaching Case 6 Activities:
    1. Knowing a kind of Chinese medicine riverside shell. 2. Understand the types of Chinese medicine (decoction Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine), and know their role. 3. Understanding Chinese medicine originated from one of the national treasures.
    The activity preparation:
    1. A pair of Chinese medicines and Chinese medicines. 2. Book of young children.
    The activity process:
    1. Show the book for children to guide the children to observe and understand the shape characteristics of the river shell.
    (1) Encourage young children to observe the characteristics of Jianglu Shell in order.
    do you know the plant on the picture? Please look at several parts of this plant first, and then observe its characteristics in the order from top to bottom.
    (2) Understand the characteristics of Jiangzhulhe.
    It can you talk about how many parts you observed just now? What are the characteristics of each part?
    (3) Teachers, and say the characteristics of this plant.
    This plant is called Jiangzan Shell, which is a traditional Chinese medicine unique to Jiangxi. It is divided into two parts, including stems and leaves and fruits. The stems and leaves are very similar to the stems and leaves of the orange trees we usually have seen, but they are relatively small. The fruit is round petals and smaller than orange.
    (4) Understand the role of Jiangzhulhe.
    This plants are very famous in Jiangxi. Do you know why?
    It is a famous Chinese medicinal material that can make medicines and smelting diseases.
    2. Understand the method of making Chinese medicine.
    (1) Teacher: Plants such as Jiangzhulhe can cure diseases, the useful part of it is Chinese medicinal materials. Do you also know what Chinese medicinal materials in our hometown? (Teachers can introduce according to the unique Chinese medicinal materials in various places.)
    (2) Observe children's books and understand the method of making Chinese medicine.
    The teacher: How does Chinese medicinal materials become traditional Chinese medicine?
    3. One of the national treasures of Chinese medicine is a sense of pride.
    The traditional Chinese medicine originated from our baby. A long time ago, our ancestors found that many plants and animals could cure materials. After research and decoction, we finally made Chinese medicine to help people cure diseases.
    Is Outstanding Teaching Plan 7 Activities:
    1. Use existing numbers and form knowledge to learn and analyze the cause and effect of things.
    2. Happy to overcome difficulties with your companions to solve problems and experience the joy of success.
    The focus of activity: consolidate the number of mastered, form knowledge
    Difficulty point: Analyze the cause and effect of things
    activities preparation:
    1, teaching hanging chart "Treasure Hunt Map"
    2 2 2 A password bar each person
    3. The items required for treasure hunt (such as flashlights, maps, dry grains, etc.)
    The activity process:
    Buying dry food
    "Treasure hunting takes a week. If you eat a pack of biscuits a day, how many packages are needed for a week?"
    "Why buy 7 packs of biscuits."
    (2 (2 (2 (2 ) Treasure hunting necessities
    "Children can have two people in a group to discuss what items need to buy?"
    (except for being ready, what can you buy?)
    . Study map n. R n show the map, find the path of treasure
    "There are 3 roads on it. Which road can you find treasures?" Look at the lock on the door, you must make up the password to open the door. "
    ______ 5 ______, 2 ______ 4 (adjacent number)
    1 _____ 5 _____ 9 (single number from small to large)
    _____ 6 ______ 2 ( Double numbers are arranged from small and small)
    8 2 = 9-4 = 6 3 = (addition and subtraction method within 10)
    4. Find smart fruit
    "一个聪明果,请大家把它找出来。"rn 5、大家相互交流寻宝的过程,品尝成功的乐趣rn 幼儿园优秀教案篇8 活动目标:rn 1、欣赏故事, Feel the different emotions of the happy and sadness of the small snails of the story.
    2. Learn a happy and sad emotion with different expressions and colors.
    3. Try to show the mood story of the little snail in the form of comic comic.
    Cope preparation:
    1. Refers to the puppet tutoring snails, little monkeys, ducks.
    2. Example: Little snails find a friend's comic, prepared music.
    3. A piece of painting paper and crayon.
    The activity process:
    . The introduction of the story.
    1. Teachers' operations are puppet teaching aids, telling the story "Little Snails Find Friends".
    2. Question: What do you think of the little snail when playing alone? (Unhappy, sad)
    In the little snail found a friend, what was the mood? (Happy, happy)
    . Learn a happy and sad emotion with different expressions and colors.
    1. When will you be very happy? When will you be sad? Please tell you.
    2. What is your expression when you are happy?
    Is when you are sad, what is your expression?
    (Please make a happy and sad expression for children.)
    3. Show different colors and match the corresponding color according to different expressions of snails.
    (red, orange, yellow, green warm colors are happy;
    black, gray, purple, and blue cold colors indicate the sad mood.)
    , game: Little snail expression
    Blip according to the different colors on the snail, distinguish the mood of the snail, and match the corresponding expression (happy and sad).
    . Introduce comic comic.
    1. Show the comic paintings made by the teacher, and tell the story of the little snail looking for friends again.
    2. Putting the requirements of painting, asking children to comic paintings to show the mood story of the little snail.
    . Painting children, teacher tour guidance.
    5. Evaluation of activities and display works.
    Mu young children to tell the mood story of the little snail they painted with each other.

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