5 thoughts on “Share what sidelines do you have done?”

  1. I am a doctor, but I am also a teacher. The doctor is my main business, and my teacher is my sideline. I usually stay in the hospital, and I go to class when I get in class.

  2. Part -time on the mobile phone. After two months, I made about 3000 up and down points, but I had to pay the meeting fee. I made a profit in about a week. I made a free one before, and then I found that there is not a few orders in a day. I still have a few orders. I have to pay for myself, but I did n’t do it later. This time, because my colleagues at work were doing it, I observed for more than a week, so I decided to do it with her. I often receive a small gift. Fortunately, I did n’t shrink because of the fees. Now I am more than ten or twenty every day, and I am very satisfied. I ’m not in a hurry after returning. I do n’t worry about it. , But hope that fine water flows. A nursing nurse in private hospitals, working with baby and part -time jobs are currently satisfied.

  3. 唉,我的副业很多啊,比如说现在在考驾照啊,比如说刷题目啊,比如说,帮别人做些家务的位置呢,还有教导下孩子啊,我可以做很多很多事情,因为才Can make money.

  4. Running, playing basketball, table tennis, football, badminton, long jump, high jump, jumping, playing games, eating chicken, exercising fitness, climbing mountain climbing, and various sports.

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