5 thoughts on “What about unwanted jewelry? If you want to sell it, where should you sell it?”

  1. Generally, there are three ways to deal with unwanted gold jewelry: 1. Give it away; 2. Sell; 3. Trade the old for the new. If the gold jewelry is given as a gift, it can not be too old, which will affect the wearing. It is best to exchange the old for the new and give it as a gift, because it is not the general relationship that can give gold jewelry, but the close friends or relatives

    gold jewelry includes gold, 18 karat gold and platinum jewelry. In fact, the three kinds of gold are handled in the same way. However, many merchants of platinum and 18 karat gold jewelry cannot exchange the old for the new. A few merchants can exchange the 18 karat gold into gold at the same price

    the first way to deal with gold jewelry is to give it to people.

    even if gold jewelry is given to people, it needs to be determined by the style. Generally, it is given to the younger sister by the elder sister, or to the younger generation by relatives. It is also necessary to see people. Some people do not like jewelry that has been worn by others, so it is not suitable to give it to people. After all, jewelry is very expensive, If you give it to someone you don't like, it's better not to give it. Of course, if you're willing to give it to me, I'm still willing to accept it because I can sell it as a waste

    the second method is to sell

    most gold jewelry brands do not recycle gold jewelry and only provide the service of exchanging old for new. Only some local small brands and private gold shops recycle gold jewelry, some of which only recycle gold jewelry, some recycle gold and K-gold jewelry, and some recycle all gold, K-gold and platinum

    the recovered price is the international gold price of the day minus a few yuan or even a dozen yuan. Because the recovered jewelry is also for the purpose of selling gold materials to make money, the recovered price will be relatively low. If there is no suitable place to sell gold jewelry, jewelry repair points and private gold shops are large households for recovering gold jewelry, you can find such places to sell unwanted gold jewelry.

  2. Unwanted jewelry can generally be sent to some local pawn shops to sell, or you can find a special jewelry master to see if you can make jewelry of other styles again

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