1 thought on “Where can I buy it in Zhongshan Jade Jewelry Store”

  1. 在广东省,最有名的玉器首饰专卖店玉器首饰店要数中山市玉器首饰店,令人眼花缭乱的玉器正品,每一件都带有国家鉴定证书,且翡翠挂件,玉器摆件,品种繁多,很多The merchant wants to follow the Jade Jewelry store of Zhongshan City. Through the exchange with the person in charge, it is learned that
    The 70 percent of the jade jewelry store in Zhongshan City is from the Daqing jade jewelry wholesale market. The market has a turnover of nearly 100,000 yuan per month. It has obtained the trust and support of major dealers. Since 2000, Zhongshan Jade Jewelry Store has begun to find a sustainable development path. It is the beginning of success to choose a jade cargo with good quality and cheap jade, choosing the Daqing jade jewelry wholesale market. What are the professional markets of jade jewelry products?

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