Where is the regular pawn of gold in Chongqing's main urban area? Is there any address? How much is the current golden ratio?

In addition, I have a gold jewelry. I urgently need to use money, what shop to sell, and what process to go through. Is this gold jewelry divided into second -hand goods? How much is gold now?

1 thought on “Where is the regular pawn of gold in Chongqing's main urban area? Is there any address? How much is the current golden ratio?”

  1. I have been in the main city for decades, and I have never heard of any regular pawns. If you want to sell your gold jewelry, it is easy. If you want to be a pawn and redeem it later, then I do n’t know. If you just sell it alone, there are no two -handed. Just find a shop selling gold and silver jewelry to sell it. It is recommended that you find out the famous shop, find a few more stores to ask, choose the highest bid for selling. Gold jewelry can still sell a good price. Thousands of gold are generally more than 200 grams.

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