vintage style jewelry wholesale Does Chinese legal blockade Bitcoin regulations?

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5 thoughts on “vintage style jewelry wholesale Does Chinese legal blockade Bitcoin regulations?”

  1. louisiana diamond and jewelry wholesalers China has no legal blocking Bitcoin clearly, so mining, earning Bitcoin is not illegal.
    The mining machine to digging Bitcoin in China is not illegal. There are relevant regulations in the "Bitcoin Risk Notice" jointly issued by the five ministries and commissions in 2013. It is legal and compulsory, but the public can freely participate in Bitcoin trading activities when voluntary risk.
    The "Notice" clarifies the nature of Bitcoin. It is believed that Bitcoin is not issued by the currency authorities. It does not have currency attributes such as legal and mandatoryness, and it is not a true currency.
    In nature, Bitcoin is a specific virtual product. It does not have the legal status as currency and cannot be used as currency in the market. However, as a commodity sale on the Internet, Bitcoin transactions have the freedom of participation under the premise of self -risk.
    The expansion information:
    The central bank website news on December 5, 2013, in order to protect the property rights and interests of the public, protect the status of the legal currency of the RMB, prevent money laundering, and maintain financial stability.
    The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the China Banking Supervision and Administration Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the China Insurance Supervision and Administration Commission have jointly issued the "People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Bank of China. Notice of the Supervision and Management Committee, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the China Insurance Supervision and Administration Commission on the Prevention of Bitcoin Risks.
    Reference materials: The five ministries and commissions of the People's Bank of China issued a notice on preventing the risk of Bitcoin-China Government Network

  2. pandora jewelry boxes wholesale my country does not block the legal documents or regulations of Bitcoin. But do not encourage Bitcoin.
    The "Notice on Preventing Bitcoin Risks" issued by the People's Bank of China on the afternoon of December 5. The central bank said in this notice that Bitcoin is not currency, but it is just a virtual commodity. Bitcoin -related businesses.

    Secondly, in order to avoid excessive hype from the name of "virtual currency" due to virtual commodities such as Bitcoin, damage the status of public interests and the status of RMB, notifying financial institutions and payment institutions should be in daily work in daily work. Use the concept of currency correctly, focus on strengthening the education of public currency knowledge, and incorporate the concepts of correct understanding of currency, correctly looking at virtual commodities and virtual currencies, rational investment, reasonable control of investment risks, and maintaining their own property security. Guide the public to establish the correct concept of currency and investment.
    The expansion data
    Bitcoin network generates new Bitcoin through "mining". The so -called "mining" is essentially using a computer to solve a complex mathematical problem to ensure the consistency of the Bitcoin network distributed bookkeeping system. The Bitcoin network will automatically adjust the difficulty of mathematics, so that the entire network will get a qualified answer every 10 minutes. Subsequently, the Bitcoin Network will generate a certain amount of Bitcoin as a bounty and award the answer.

    Reference materials: Baidu Encyclopedia-Bitcoin

  3. alan k jewelry wholesale Hello, my country has no legal documents or regulations for blocking Bitcoin. The Renminbi Management Regulations stipulate that the production and sale of token tickets are prohibited. Because the definition of token tickets does not have a clear judicial interpretation, if Bitcoin is included in the "tokens", Bitcoin's legal prospects in China are facing uncertainty. The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Commerce's notice on strengthening online game virtual currency management (Wenshi Fa [2009] No. 20) June 4, 2009, "Notice", said the scope of application of online games virtual currency for the first time, right The current online game virtual currency is distinguished from the virtual props in the game; at the same time, the notice states that the "Notice" stipulates that enterprises engaged in related services must be approved before they can operate.
    In China, some Taobao shops have also begun to accept Bitcoin, and merchants will gradually increase.
    On December 5 last year, the central bank and other five ministries and commissions issued a notice on the risk of Bitcoin, defining Bitcoin as a special Internet product, and denied its currency attributes, but the public is on the premise of self -risk risk You can buy and sell freely. Most of the major countries in the world also adopt a cautious attitude of Bitcoin and have different qualitatives to Bitcoin, but most countries define Bitcoin as an asset.

    The expansion information:
    . Different from most currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on specific currency institutions to issue. According to specific algorithms, it is generated by a large number of calculations. The distributed database composed of nodes to confirm and record all trading behaviors, and uses cryptography design to ensure the security of all aspects of currency circulation.
    P2P's decentralized characteristics and algorithm itself can ensure that the currency value cannot be manipulated by a large number of Bettercoin. Design based on cryptography can make Bitcoin only transfer or pay by real owners. This also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. The biggest difference between Bitcoin and other virtual currencies is that its total number is very limited and has a strong scarcity. The currency system has only exceeded 10.5 million in 4 years, and the total number will be permanently limited to 21 million.
    Bitcoin-Baidu Encyclopedia

  4. jewelry wholesale turkey China has no legal blocking Bitcoin clearly, so mining, earning Bitcoin is not illegal.
    The mining machine to digging Bitcoin in China is not illegal. In the "Bitcoin Risk Notice" jointly issued by the five ministries and commissions in 2013, there are relevant regulations. It belongs to the legal currency and does not have legal compulsory, but the public can freely participate in bitcoin trading activities in the case of voluntary affection of voluntary risk.
    The expansion information "Notice" clarifies the nature of Bitcoin. It is believed that Bitcoin is not issued by the currency authorities. It does not have currency attributes such as legal and mandatoryness, and it is not a real currency. In terms of nature, Bitcoin is a specific virtual commodity. It does not have the legal status as currency and cannot be used as currency in the market.
    , as a commodity sale on the Internet, Bitcoin transactions have the freedom of participation under the premise of the risk.
    The "Notice" requires that at this stage, all financial institutions and payment institutions shall not be priced by Bitcoin as a product or service, shall not buy or sell Bitcoin as a central opponent. The currency is included in the scope of insurance liability and shall not directly or indirectly provide customers with other services related to Bitcoin, including: provide customers with services such as Bitcoin registration, transaction, liquidation, settlement, etc.; accept Bitcoin or use Bitcoin as a payment settlement tool; Carry out exchange services for Bitcoin and RMB and foreign currency; carry out the storage, hosting, mortgage and other businesses of Bitcoin; issuing financial products related to Bitcoin; investment targets for investment in trusts and funds.
    In order to avoid excessive hype from the name of "virtual currency" such as "virtual currency" such as Bitcoin and other virtual products, damage the status of public interests and the status of RMB, the "Notice" requires financial institutions and payment institutions to use the concept of currency correctly in daily work. , Pay attention to strengthening the education of public currency knowledge, incorporate the correct understanding of currency, correctly treat virtual commodities and virtual currencies, rational investment, reasonable control of investment risks, and maintain their own property security. Currency concept and investment concept.
    Reference Data Source People's Daily-Bitcoin Network Virtual Currency

  5. fashion bridal jewelry wholesale my country does not block the legal documents or regulations of Bitcoin. Mining is also legal.

    On December 5 last year, the central bank and other five ministries and commissions issued a notice on Bitcoin risks to define Bitcoin as a special Internet product and negate their currency attributes, but the people are self -reliance. Under the premise of risk, you can buy and sell freely. Most of the major countries in the world also adopt a cautious attitude of Bitcoin and have different qualitatives to Bitcoin, but most countries define Bitcoin as an asset.

    The mining on your computer is not illegal, but you can not play Bitcoin with your computer now, which may be okay two years ago. If you are not digging Bitcoin, it may be a pyramid schedule. It is recommended that this netizen identify it carefully. There are many pyramid schemes about Congzhai Coins, which can be seen.

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