1 thought on “How many carats are soybean diamonds”

  1. The diamond diamond with large soybeans is 6.49mm.
    The expansion information:
    "carat", the weight unit of "carat" comes from the Dravida people of ancient India, 1 carat = 0.2 grams = 100 points; common scores are 10 points, 30 points, 50 50 Points, 100 points, 0.1 carats are 10 points. Common circular cutting diamonds, the diameter of 10 points diamonds is 3mm, 75 points are 6mm, and 1 carat is 6.5mm; generally circular one -carat diamond diameter is about 6.5mm, the heart shape is about 6.7mm, the oval shape is about about 6.7mm. 8mm, about 10.5mm in the shape of the oscope, and the princess square about 5.5mm. After inlaid, the diameter of the size will be slightly different. One carat diamond is larger than an ordinary mung bean and smaller than soy beans. If it is inlaid into a diamond ring, it looks much larger.

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