2 thoughts on “What is the significance of gifts?”

  1. Gifts are in social interaction. In order to express blessings and minds, or to show friendship, items that are presented between people, gifts are a carrier of the gifts that send information to the salutors, emotions, and willingness.
    usually given each other between people and people. The purpose is to please each other or express goodwill and respect. Gifts are also used to celebrate festivals or important days, such as roses or birthday gifts on Valentine's Day.
    Gifts can also be non -material. In ancient China, there was a saying of "thousands of miles to send goose hair, gifts and lightness". It is expensive, as long as you express your mind.
    Extension information
    The meaning of male gifts
    1. Send men's perfume: It means that he is tasteful in your mind and desires to contact you further.
    2, the key to send the money clip is a small thing: it should be the love expression between couples, I hope to accompany you from time to time, let him think of you at all times.
    3, send a shaver: It means that he is an excellent mature man in your heart.
    4, sending stickers: (panties, socks) are relatively ambiguous. This is a kind of intimate flirting, similar to the animal circle leading territory, indicating that he is your person.
    5. Send him special gifts (basketball, anime model, book), which means you have a good opinion of him and also hope to win your favor.

  2. Gifts are the items that are given between people in order to express blessings and minds or be friendly. Gifts are a way to express the inner heart. It does not matter what to give, lies in the mind, but different gifts represent different meanings and so on.

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