2 thoughts on “What small gifts are suitable for blind dates activities”

  1. Don't give gifts for the time being, you can ask her to go out for a meal first, and then entertain! Talk in the process! In this way, you can let you know the two parties more, and the other can let you know her mind. Do you want to continue to develop with you? Of course, girls are generally thin! It is impossible to show you the thoughts in her heart, so as long as she does not show up emotions such as dislikes, and you really want to associate with her, take your action!

  2. Send men or women? Women's words, but there are more, what keychain, small perfume, all good, it is more troublesome to send men, men's things are not easy to buy. I often rack my brains when I send my boyfriend, it is difficult to recommend this

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